pyclashie (Python Class Hierarchy Generator)
will be a software that
make graphs or trees showing the dependencies of the classes
(initially, but it could be functions and more) defined in a bunch of
files within a directory (and subdirectories). The graphics will be
displayed using the graphviz
free utility. This free software draws graphs-trees from a .DOT simple
format file, that pyclashie will make a stage before. analizing
the directory structure and writing dependencies in .DOT format.
The new idea at this project is to include a generic interface for any (virtually) programming language, defining a XML file with the sintax of the class definition, perhaps using some utility for this task, such as bisongen or plex.
NEWS!: alpha 0.1 have been released! Go to the the project homepage, download section to get your copy!
Contact the author for any further information.